Currencies: 204 (153 fiat & 51 crypto) Countries: 255 PSs & Banks: 571 Exchanges: 333 Offers:

About us

ExchangeRates.Pro is a real-time Bitcoin-, Ethereum-, Litecoin- and 48 other Cryptocurrencies price comparison website/app. We analyze the data from 333 Exchanges worldwide to find the best offers to buy, sell, exchange cryptos. You are welcome to choose from 9,401 Offers available in 255 Countries; there are 153 fiat Currencies supported and you can pay or receive money using over 571 Payment Systems and Banks.

We monitor the data from Exchanges of various types: Trading Platforms & eWallet Providers; P2P Marketplaces and the Brokers. The numbers you see include all the fees taken by the Exchange (or a Dealer in case of P2P trade) and if you wish to, you may calculate the amount precisely. For example, "how much Bitcoins I'll get for (say) $100", the best possible Offer for your exact order considering all the fees and limitations.

Any offer has the rating assigned, we assess the possible risks related to this particular trade to warn you in cases of situations like "poor quality of customer support reported", "high-risk payment method, may be fraudulent", etc. Besides, we'll mark the best deals, especially the ones with a rate above the market average & specials like "this Exchange will give you $XX registration bonus" (if there are any). You may sort & filter the offers in many ways to find the best price, supreme customer service, outstanding speed, etc.

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There is a long way ahead, we are working hard on new features and exchange integrations. Stay tuned, you'd love our updates! Tips and donations are very much appreciated:

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