Binance USD is a Stablecoin. The original software was first released September 5th, 2019. Nowadays the cryptocurrency is managed by the Paxos, an organization based in the US. Binance USD is issued by the cryptocurrency exchange platform.
As of today, February 18th, 2025, out of totally available 69,511,463 BUSD, 69,511,463 are in circulation. It's not possible to mine binance usds. The total market capitalization of binance usd is $69,371,955, the rank among other cryptocurrencies (based on the capitalization) is #469. The current rate of 1 BUSD is $1.0 USD.
Binance USD is currently supported by 10% of exchanges (1 of 10) currently having active orders at ExchangeRates.Pro: 1 Trading Platforms have offers, allowing you to buy and sell BUSD. Let's check and compare which of these exchanges will suit you the best, dear visitor!
Sorry, at the moment there are no active exchanges with live offers to buy/sell Binance USD with fiat currencies in United States. Our teams tries our best to add some ASAP!
Are you looking for the best place to buy binance usds? Of course, you are! Our price comparison of exchanges is here to help, although the easiest way is to check the best offers right away @ ExchangeRates.Pro, feel free to compare yourself. Let us show you what banks and payment systems you can use to buy and sell BUSD, based on your location and preferences.
Even the greatest BUSD HODL GANG members sometimes have to sell some of their precious coins. It's alright, everyone does it sometimes and we are here to help! We know you want to find the buyer which will give you the highest price, there are such ones at our platform — check ExchangeRates.Pro now to find the highest rate to sell binance usds to US Dollar and 152 more local currencies! There are various opportunities to swap your coins to hard cash, we list the most requested ones below.
There are currently 4 opportunities to cash out your binance usd coins in US. You'd likely need to out-exchange the crypto to pay for some local expenses, shopping, etc. It's reasonable to choose the safest and most comfortable option — a local bank you are using, your preferred payment system or cash in your city. Here is our top list of the ways other people in United States prefer to exchange binance usd to fiat:
Sometimes you may need to transfer the money to another country. If you are holding BUSD, it makes sense to exchange some of these coins to the currency of that country. We can't know where exactly you would like to send the funds, so we will show you the most requested banks and payment systems worldwide you can send the transfer to. There are totally 1 options to out-exchange the busd to fiat; the most frequently used banks, money transfer operators and global payment systems are:
Did you know that it's possible to exchange BUSD to 48 other cryptocurrencies? It's possible to convert Binance USD to/from 96% of crypto coins supported @ ExchangeRates.Pro. Some of these are really great ones (we don't list useless coins and tokens at our website), that's why we've prepared a list of exchange opportunities available. There are totally 92 swap possibilities with BUSD and other coins and tokens. Coin to coin exchanges are safe, easy and beneficial when you are using our service, don't worry! Feel free to get all the best rates to swap BUSD with other cryptos @ ExchangeRates.Pro right away or refer to the list of most highly demanded exchange directions first: