Currencies: 204 (153 fiat & 51 crypto) Countries: 255 PSs & Banks: 571 Exchanges: 333 Offers:

Waves (WAVES) exchanges comparison: buy, sell, swap

Waves (WAVES) key market data:

  • type: Cryptocurrency
  • consensus: "Leased Proof of Stake", enhanced variation of PoS
  • Smart Contracts
  • market cap: $106,439,287
  • market rank: #359
  • supply total: 100,000,000
  • supply available: 100,000,000
  • mineable
  • WAVES/USD: $1.06

Waves is a Cryptocurrency, the network powered by PoS+ enhanced (consensus mechanism based on original technology) algorithm. The original software was developed by Alexander Ivanov from RU and first released July 2nd, 2016. Nowadays the cryptocurrency is managed by the WAVES Platform, an organization based in the RU. Smart Contracts are supported by the Waves blockchain. Waves is aiming to serve the Software industry, among the other use cases. The official Waves website is

As of today, February 11th, 2025, out of totally available 100,000,000 WAVES, 100,000,000 are in circulation. It's possible to mine wavess. The total market capitalization of waves is $106,439,287, the rank among other cryptocurrencies (based on the capitalization) is #359. The current rate of 1 WAVES is $1.06 USD. There are two currency codes for Waves: WAVES and WVS, the first one is used more often.

Waves Platform is an open-source blockchain project for developing cutting-edge dApps, providing developers with the tools to build incredible WEB3 solutions. Most of the current use cases of the platform are in the field of crowdfunding: ease to issue own token at the platform and set up the crowdfunding campaign makes it something like a "Kickstarter on the blockchain". The platform itself was funded by the means of crowdfunding in 2016; ICO raised 30,000 BTC (~ $16 million) that was one of the most successful campaigns at the time.

Waves’ blockchain has a number of advances: it's fast (WavesNG protocol is the first implementation of Bitcoin-NG technology), versatile (13 types of transactions are available), secure, energy-efficient and low-cost. Waves’ Leased Proof of Stake (LPoS) consensus algorithm is an enhanced version of the Proof-of-Stake mechanism. Unlike the "ordinary PoS" requiring the nodes to hold some minimum balance to be eligible to stake coins, every user can lease the balance to the nodes, participating in staking and get a part of the reward.

The platform provides an extra degree of flexibility for token issuers and token operations, allowing developers to build dApps with complex logic, use Smart Accounts and Smart Assets. No "Gas" requirements and flat fees for every type of transfer make transactions on the platform very inexpensive.

Top Waves exchanges

Waves is currently supported by 20% of exchanges (2 of 10) currently having active orders at ExchangeRates.Pro: 2 Exchange Brokers have offers, allowing you to buy and sell WVS. Let's check and compare which of these exchanges will suit you the best, dear visitor!

Top WAVES exchanges to buy/sell in United States

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Sorry, at the moment there are no active exchanges with live offers to buy/sell Waves with fiat currencies in United States. Our teams tries our best to add some ASAP!

Where to buy WAVES

Are you looking for the best place to buy wavess? Of course, you are! Our price comparison of exchanges is here to help, although the easiest way is to check the best offers right away @ ExchangeRates.Pro, feel free to compare yourself. Let us show you what banks and payment systems you can use to buy and sell WVS, based on your location and preferences.

Where to swap WAVES

Did you know that it's possible to exchange WAVES to 48 other cryptocurrencies? It's possible to convert Waves to/from 96% of crypto coins supported @ ExchangeRates.Pro. Some of these are really great ones (we don't list useless coins and tokens at our website), that's why we've prepared a list of exchange opportunities available. There are totally 161 swap possibilities with WAVES and other coins and tokens. Coin to coin exchanges are safe, easy and beneficial when you are using our service, don't worry! Feel free to get all the best rates to swap WAVES with other cryptos @ ExchangeRates.Pro right away or refer to the list of most highly demanded exchange directions first:

  • Dogecoin (DOGE): that's a popular Cryptocurrency. There are 4 proposals (2 allow to convert from DOGE to WAVES and 2 that are converting in opposite direction.
  • Filecoin (FIL): that's a popular Cryptocurrency. There are 4 proposals (2 allow to convert from FIL to WAVES and 2 that are converting in opposite direction.
  • The Open Network (TON): that's a popular Cryptocurrency. There are 4 proposals (2 allow to convert from TON to WAVES and 2 that are converting in opposite direction.
  • Ripple (XRP): that's a popular Cryptocurrency. There are 4 proposals (2 allow to convert from WAVES to XRP and 2 that are converting in opposite direction.
  • Bitcoin (BTC): that's a popular Cryptocurrency. There are 4 proposals (2 allow to convert from BTC to WAVES and 2 that are converting in opposite direction.
  • TrueUSD (TUSD): that's a popular Stablecoin. There are 4 proposals (2 allow to convert from TUSD to WAVES and 2 that are converting in opposite direction.
  • Monero (XMR): that's a popular Cryptocurrency. There are 4 proposals (2 allow to convert from WAVES to XMR and 2 that are converting in opposite direction.
  • SKALE (SKL): that's a popular Token. There are 4 proposals (2 allow to convert from SKL to WAVES and 2 that are converting in opposite direction.
  • SushiSwap (SUSHI): that's a popular Token. There are 4 proposals (2 allow to convert from SUSHI to WAVES and 2 that are converting in opposite direction.
  • Aave (AAVE): that's a popular Token. There are 4 proposals (2 allow to convert from AAVE to WAVES and 2 that are converting in opposite direction.

Similar cryptocurrencies, that can overcome Waves:

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Solana (SOL)

  • rank: #5
  • type: Cryptocurrency

Internet Computer (ICP)

  • rank: #29
  • type: Cryptocurrency

VeChain (VET)

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  • type: Cryptocurrency

Theta Network (THETA)

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